
...,; Szióó ! Ez itt MłŁ€Y Cyru$ rajongói oldala > ahol megismerheted és a rajongója lehetsz....:D..Aki már 1-szer benézett ide, az máskor is < hmm > remélem majd T€ visszalátogatsz & írhatsz nekem e-mail-t amit sok szeretettel várok...! Bye: $zerkł

Miley Cyrus paparazzi képei :=)

Miley a Hollywood Boulevard-on:




Miley ismét bringán, Liammal:















Actress/ Singer Miley Cyrus goes out to dinner with her boyfriend in Century City, CA where the 17 year old continues to flaunt her provocative fashion sense on February 8, 2010.  Photo copyright by Fame Pictures.

Actress/ Singer Miley Cyrus goes out to dinner with her boyfriend in Century City, CA where the 17 year old continues to flaunt her provocative fashion sense on February 8, 2010.  Photo copyright by Fame Pictures.

Actress/ Singer Miley Cyrus goes out to dinner with her boyfriend in Century City, CA where the 17 year old continues to flaunt her provocative fashion sense on February 8, 2010.  Photo copyright by Fame Pictures.

Miley Cyrus Grabs Dinner

Miley Cyrus Grabs Dinner







Továbbbi paparazzi képek :

Miley Cyrus: The Most Caffeinated Teen in America

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